Saving Bernard: Unexpected surgeries can’t break the human-animal bond
Bernard, a beloved family dog, was brought to Dr. Ann Bancroft at MedVet urgent care by his owner, Courtney. The dog was exhibiting symptoms of vomiting, lethargy, and lack of appetite with a tense and seemingly painful abdomen. Fearing that he was suffering another bout of pancreatitis as he has every year, Courtney sought immediate medical attention.
Urgent care ordered an ultrasound of his abdomen where they noted a possible foreign object in Bernard’s digestive tract , necessitating emergency surgery. Courtney was distraught. Just a couple of months prior, Bernard had undergone surgery for a facial mass and lymph node excision. Now, faced with another significant medical expense, she found herself unable to afford the necessary surgery for Bernard.
The weight of this situation brought Courtney to tears as she spoke with her husband on the phone, fearing they might have to make the heartbreaking decision to put Bernard to sleep. Seeing her distress, Dr. Ann Bancroft told Courtney that an AVMF REACH™ grant could help cover some of Bernard’s surgery.
Thankfully, the surgery was successful. The veterinary team was able to remove a large fabric toy with a string attached via a gastric incision without having to remove any of his intestine. Although Bernard experienced some post-surgical complications due to an infection, he has since fully recovered and is doing great.
Courtney, a young wife and mother of two, considers Bernard an integral part of her family. His recovery brought immense relief and joy to their household. This heartwarming story highlights the power of compassion and the importance of supporting families in need during challenging times.
“We are proud to support the AVMF REACH Program because it supports our profession in serving the human-animal bond as well as our caregivers, patients, and clients. The program is well-run, with a highly responsive team, and grants are processed timely – which is important in alleviating stress that can accompany a pet’s injury or illness.” — Dr. Ann Bancroft at MedVet
Your support can help expand our REACH
If Bernards’s journey has touched your heart and you wish to contribute to the wellbeing of other animals in need, consider making a tax-deductible donation to the AVMF REACH program. Simply select “AVMF REACH Program” from the “I want to support” dropdown menu on the gift form.
Your gift will help provide critical medical care to animals like Bernard, ensuring they receive the treatment they need to lead healthy, happy lives.
This program is supported in part by PURINA through the ProPlan Veterinary Support Mission.