For any studies involving animals, the owner’s consent, IACUC, and other approvals are handled at the local level (e.g., within the university or teaching hospital, by their administration). The investigator is responsible for working with the institution to create an appropriate owner consent form.
No, applicants cannot submit the same application for both the pharmacokinetic and pharmacology general categories.
No major changes are allowed. Minor changes may be acceptable with approval from the grant administrator.
No more than two proposals may be submitted by a Principal Investigator in any one year but there is no limitation on the number of proposals where an investigator is listed as a Co-investigator.
Up to 20% of total direct costs for the project can be used for technician and part-time student salaries (including fringe), but not for post-doc or graduate salaries.
List current and pending support and highlight any funding that is particularly related to the proposed project included in this application. (Include names, title, agency, effective dates, and total amount.)
If the final report is not submitted prior to the grant deadline, no cost extension of the grant termination date can be considered on a case-by-case basis.
Yes, applications can be made for any companion animal, food-producing species, and zoo and exotic animal species. Studies using laboratory rodents as models are generally not funded.
Yes. Corporations and research institutions are eligible to apply if sufficient justification is provided for the study.
Proposals, where IACUC or VCSC approval is pending, may be submitted, but documentation of IACUC or VCSC approval of the study MUST be provided prior to funding distribution. Failure to obtain IACUC or VCSC approval may result in the cancellation of the grant.